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Thursday, September 14, 2006


By Bill Costley

[A tragic GOPlaylet]

Behind double-locked White House doors
in a miniscule room with only [1] window
Karl Rove berates Rep. Bartleby Scrivener
for his pitiful lack of GOP@rty enthusiasm:

Rove: “Do you know what’s @ stake here?”
“Only the eternal GOPresidency!”
Bartleby (groaning): “I prefer not2.”

Rove: “Your preference is GOPre-fixed!”
“You already pre-prefer the GOP!”
Bartleby (moaning):“I prefer not2.”

Rove: (standing & looming over him):
“You have only 1way2go this Fall;
I’m shoving you on2 the GOP@th.”

Bartleby: (frightened) “I prefer not2!”
crawlingon2 the open window ledge.

Rove (pushing Bartleby): “Jump!"
Bartleby (falling): “I GOPrefer not2.”

Rove (smiling): “He fell on-message.”

Bill Costley serves on the Steering Committee of the San Francisco chapter of the National Writers Union. Volume Two of his epic-in-progress The CHENI@D appears here on The New Verse News.